Unshaved effect sponge
A favorite in the theatre, this porous, airy metallic sponge can be used with black or gray Grease Paints or Wet Make-Up to realistically simulate “five o'clock shadow” or the stubble of badly-shaven faces.
Apply Grease Paint or Wet Make-Up on the Simulation Sponge and pat the desired parts of the face. Wash the sponge regularly with hot water and soap. The sponge can be used with Artificial Blood to simulate bruises, scrapes or scratches. It can be used with Grease Paints or Wet Make-Up to give artistic makeup a variety of effects, in particular pointillist effects. Apply the product to the sponge using a brush or dip the sponge directly into the product. To create effects of a nascent beard, gently dab grey, brown, black or white Flash Color onto the skin to create darker areas on the face. To create scratches and other blemishes, use carmine, purple or brown Flash Color, gliding the sponge on the skin. Some artistic effects can be created by mixing colors and application techniques (marble, stone, pointillism, etc.). Colors and effects should be tested on the hand before being applied to the skin as it is very difficult to fix errors when using intense colors.
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