Liquid latex - 75 ml
The Liquid Latex is used in the theatre and cinema industries to create a variety of special effects. When dry, it forms a supple, transparent film that resembles skin. Professional makeup artists use it on the face and body to create wrinkles, aging effects and surface wounds (scars, blisters, burns or flaps of torn skin). It can also be used to glue appliances made of Plasto Wax, foam or silicone to the body. In addition to that, it is used to create 3D special effects: it is poured into prosthetic appliance molds to create a second skin of the desired body part (masks, nose, ears, etc.).
The Liquid Latex is generally applied in a fine layer using a sponge or brush. These tools must be immediately washed in soapy water. To create wrinkles, pull the skin outwards during application and drying. Powder lightly. Release the skin. To obtain strips or flaps of torn skin, peel the dried latex off with your fingers. The Liquid Latex can be made up with foundation and grease paints. It can be removed with a cotton ball soaked in Cleansing Oil and then a washcloth soaked in hot water. Warning: Its formula contains ammoniac and must not come into contact with the eyes. If you get Liquid Latex in the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with a physiological saline solution. You can speed up the drying process with the help of a hair dryer set on cold air. For better joints between the prosthetic appliances made of Plasto Wax and the skin, apply excess Liquid Latex so that it overflows and goes beyond the skin line. To protect the hair from your makeup brush, cover them in Vaseline before use. The effect of skin thickness created by the Liquid Latex can be increased by adding a thickener. However, if you want to create a thinner skin effect, mix a small quantity of demineralized water into the Latex. To set makeup onto Latex bald caps and prosthetics for longer periods, add a thin layer of Latex after the makeup application and dust with a fine, transparent loose powder. To avoid irritation, do not remove the Latex from the skin without first applying a makeup remover. When making Latex bald caps, powder generously before removing them from the plastic head.
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